Yahoo Pool Aimer
the Yahoo Pool auto aiming helper tool
YPool Aimer draws the possible billiards trajectories on the Yahoo Games, Yahoo Pool Table.
Pool Aimer helps you achieve incredible shots with Yahoo Pool. Wining now is as easy as making the simple choice of allowing a little help from Pool Aimer. YPool Aimer brings now an incredible degree of accuracy you've never experienced before.
Yahoo Pool Aimer is the best application available to date. It draws faster, detects the balls better and has an impressive accuracy in every simulation.
Main Features:
Any player using the software cannot be distinguished from an excellent Yahoo Pool Master.
Supports up to as many as 10 ball collisions/bank only shots to be drawn.
Supports drawing of virtual balls showing the most important collisions.
Supports selecting any colors for the lines and the virtual balls.
Shows if balls will go in the pocket.
Has a good pocket border reflection implemented.
Included a always on top menu option.
Control with mouse or keyboard.
Simulation visible in the prediction zone.
Simultaneously play any number of games.
Variable virtual ball radius.
Easily adjustable hit power setting.